
Posted: Sunday, March 21, 2010 by PiSmP MathS2 in Labels:

Hii sume, di sini, hendak mengumumkan bahawa ada 2 orang rakan kita bakal kahwin. Wahhh, menarik kan?? heheh.. Mereka adalah Sul Akmal dan Fauzia. Sul akan bernikah pada 10.6.10 dan majlis di rumahnya pada 12.6.10. Untuk Fauzia pula, majlisnya pada 6.6.10.. So, rakan-rakan, macam mana kita nak ke sana?? ada cadangan?? boleh lah dikemukakan.. Kerjasama anda amat dihargai..thanks..:-)

Dapatkan Mesej Bergambar di Sini

Fauzia dan pasangannya....

Sul dan pasangannya....

Video of the ClaSs

Posted: Thursday, March 18, 2010 by PiSmP MathS2 in Labels:

Hii... This just a simple video prepared by me, naz, just use to introduce the class. Very short and simple video but everydody can see the pic of everybody. enjoy youselves.

Thanks for watching....

Assalamualaikum Maths 2

Posted: by PiSmP MathS2 in

Hi everybody...

How are you?? How about your holiday?? Opss... before that, how about your practicum my friends? hehe.. i hope everything will be fine until 30th of April, if I not mistaken. heheh....

So my friends, this is our blog. We try to make it easier for you to update and to write something about yourselves and anything. This is one of the many platform that we can use to connect each other within our study and also after we graduated. heheh...

Just for introduction of this blog, and after this many topic will be update by yourselves and also from our group. Blogging department..hehehe.. Enjoy your view and love you all
. :)
